Student/Parents » Military Family Support

Military Family Support

Welcome Military Families!
Dear Military Families,
On behalf of Prince George County Public Schools, I would like to welcome you to L.L Beazley Elementary School. We are excited to have your child join the Beazley Family! Here at Beazley, we understand the needs of military families, and know that transitions can be difficult. We are here to make you and your child feel welcomed and at home.
The Interstate Compact on Education Opportunities for Military Families provides information on transition issues that many military families may encounter. These issues include attendance, enrollment, placement and eligibility. Further, this compact proposes that most military children will attend six to nine different schools from Kindergarten to 12th grade. Our goal at Beazley is for every child to be successful! Our staff works hard to create a safe and caring environment where each child can learn and reach their potential. We want to be of assistance during the challenges of transitions in and out of our school. During your time with us, please contact us if you have questions or need assistance with anything.
We appreciate you entrusting your child to us. We look forward to getting to know you and partnering with you for a successful school year.
L L Beazley received the Purple Star Designation award for their excellence in supporting military connected children and their families.
Planning Your Arrival and Departure from Beazley
Planning your Arrival to L L Beazley Elementary
To register your student, you will need the following:
  • Student’s birth certificate.
  • Proof of residency – this can be an electric, gas, or water bill showing usage within the last 30 days.
  • School Health Information Form – the school physical form is available  online at the Virginia Department of Education’s website Opens in a new browser tab . This form should be completed by your child’s physician and should include proof of adequate age-appropriate immunization.
  • Custody or court orders – if applicable.
  • Foster care information form – if applicable.
  • Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 – if applicable.
Preparing your Departure from L L Beazley Elementary
When a student’s family prepares for departure from Beazley Elementary School please notify the school as soon as possible. Final grades and departing documents (report card and or interim, shots, physical, birth certificate, withdraw form, IEP or 504 if applicable) are provided to the parent(s) during the withdraw process. Any other documents are requested from the receiving school upon enrollment.
Academic Planning for Military Families
Special Needs Navigation and Parental Rights:
Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunities for Military Families

Virginia is a proud member of the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children Opens in a new browser tab  and is committed to the care and education of the children of the men and women of our armed forces.  

The Virginia Council on the Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children (Virginia Council) was formed to assist in easing the transition of the children of military families into school as a result of frequent moves and deployment of their parents. Created by the 2009 General Assembly, Virginia joins other states participating in the compact.

Virginia Code

§ 22.1-360. Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children.

The purpose of the  Interstate Compact on Educational Opportunity for Military Children is to remove barriers to educational success imposed on children of military families because of frequent moves and deployment of their parents.  To learn more about the compact, visit Virginia's Legislative Information System.

Outside Resources
Points of Contact
School Board Office Military Support POC
Robin Germanos
Director of Elementary Education
Phone: 804-733-2700
School-Based Military Support POC
Ms. Miranda Harrison
Beazley's Military Support Point of Contact
Phone: 804-733-2755
Fort Lee Military POC
Chaundra Taswell
Fort Lee School Liaison Officer
Phone: 804-765-3813
Building Relationships