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Other Resources & Programs

Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening is a state provided screening tool for Virginia's Early Intervention Reading Initiative. PALs consists of two screening instruments, PALs K and PALs 1-3, which measure a child's knowledge of important literacy fundamentals, including phonological awareness, alphabet knowledge, knowledge of letter sounds, spelling, concept of word, word recognition in isolation, and oral passage reading. The major purpose of PALs is to identify those students who are below grade-level expectations in these areas and may be in need of additional reading instruction. This additional reading instruction is provided by PALs tutors who come to Beazley. PALS teachers here at Beazley are Mrs. Carolyn Banks and Mrs. Pansey Dooley. 

English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction involves teaching listening, speaking, reading, and writing at appropriate developmental and proficiency levels with little or no use of the native languageThis additional language instruction is provided by ESL teachers who come to Beazley. ESL teachers here at Beazley are Mrs. Sarah Bailey and Mrs. Christy Franchok. 

The Program for Artistically Advanced Students, in partnership with the community, provides experiences that challenge the artistic student. The artistic student is gifted in vocal music, in the visual arts, or in theater. The program assists identified students in reaching their unique potential. It includes challenges and experiences in conceptual thinking and problem solving, in the development of a keen awareness of the arts and a universal expression of humanity, and one that prompts each student to explore and take artistic risks that lead to improved technical skills, self-awareness, creativity, and productivity. 

This is the before and after school program that is on-site and convenient for busy parents. They strive to develop the unique champion within each child by providing opportunities for achievement and success. The registration and tuition rates are available in the office. The hours are 7:00 AM-6:00 PM. Questions about this program can be answered at 861-5687 or by mail at:


6700 Courthouse Road

Prince George, VA 23875